Tuesday, October 28, 2008

On Display

So, I've mentioned before that it gets pretty slow around here during the fall and winter months. Consequently, I find myself in my own little world a lot, what with being the sole occupier of this office during this time of the year and all. If you don't know what the office looks like, let me paint you a picture--it's small with only three desks (though I'm not sure you can really call two of them desks, it would probably be closer to say a shared work surface). It's shaped like a rectangular box. Each side has two large windows and a door with windows, and then there's one really big window at the the end that I face all day. Still can't picture it?

Ok, try this...you know those exhibits like they have at museums like the Henry Ford? The ones that are of a specific room during a specific era...the ones that have big Plexiglas windows so you can see inside from all angles without vandalizing the display? Well now you know what the office is like. Oh, and did I mention that there's a drive on each side of this glass box? Oh, and the speed limit around here's supposed to be 10 mph. So, let me paint you another picture.

Here I am sitting at the computer as people very slowly pass by the windows and peer into the "Girl Working in 21st Century Camp Office" exhibit. I can almost here the little girl say, "Look at that one Mommy. Didn't they wear funny clothes then?" as she points to the girl at the computer wearing a sweater that doesn't quite fit right.

1 comment:

Kyle Luke said...

Did you know that you are only the 7th person to be the lone occupant of that office? I was the third.